Thursday, July 19, 2012

The measure of a (derby wo)man

So yesterday I had some of my beginning stats done with the personal trainer. It was bad.
Even with skating 3 trainings a week my fat content is embarrassing, too embarrassing to even share here, and you know I normally tell you all the shocking details.  
Let's just say I looked it up on the chart and I'm O for 'Oh golly I really must do something about that'.  
I honestly don't give a crap what the scales say - losing weight is a destructive goal for me - what I weigh doesn't matter.  

How much of me is useful functioning muscle compared to how much is soft padding that is bad for my health - that I can care about.  So it's back to situps and lunges every other day at home for me.  
And getting some balance into my body too.  One thigh measures 3cm bigger girth that the other, I'll start walking around in circles everywhere if I don't do something about that soon!  
Next week I do some more testing - heartrates etc. - I'm really hoping that it's better since last time I did it...Confession from the derby heart.

1 comment:

  1. But look how far you've come! You are an inspiration, Michelle!
