Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bout Doubt?

Prematch Jitters? First Bout Nerves? Cold Feet? 
Whatever you want to call it I didn't expect it to make an appearance till the week of the bout.  But here we are a whole 22 days out from the bout and it's already hit me.
Admittedly I'm an emotional character, especially prone to the ups and downs that accompany a big event.
I've been in it neck deep trying to help organise the bout itself as part of the Events committee.   
And even though I've been given the go ahead to bout by the coaches I know I still have heaps of work to do on my fitness and skating skills before I'll be happy with where I'm at on bout day.  
Then there's uniforms to get done, rollouts to learn, bearings to clean, posters to put's all got me feeling more than a little overwhelmed. 
And disappointed that so many other events are on that same night which means my cheering section is looking pretty small at this stage! 
I won't opt out but it's tempting....crazy huh??
Crazy to even entertain the thought of not bouting after working so hard to get here.  
I just need to make sure I save enough in my tank for the skating side of things.  That's the bit I'm doing FOR ME after all, that's the bit I love.  I don't want to get so exhausted with everything else that it undermines the reason I'm doing it in the first place.  

So time for a little blog interaction.....tired of my comments section being empty!
What was it like for you coming up to your first bout??
What helped you???

1 comment:

  1. I found my own little routine that I now do before every bout. I start the morning watching the movie Stand by Me. I think watch some bout footage to get me amped. I have a high protein lunch. Put on my ipod that has a pre-bout playlist (same playlist I made for my first bout 3 years ago), clean my wheels and bearings while drinking a beer. Just a beer though, you dont want to drink many or you wont be able to bout. I show up to the venue as early as I can, keep my headphones in, and skate hard and fast till I am exhausted. Then I stretch. By this time there is about 90 minutes before the bout starts and I skate and do some drills.
