Saturday, April 21, 2012

I've lost my mojo......

and I'm really not sure how to get it back again.
I know why I've lost it.  A bad combination of things including 2 weeks school holidays (all you mums out there know how much mojo that can suck out of you) and a flu/cold that just won't go away.   Also, I think I've just started my first natural plateau in training.
So here I am tired, snuffly, and just a little unmotivated.  I had been warned about the plateaus - when suddenly you don't seem to be improving anymore despite doing the same amount of training you always have.  And I know that that's when you need to push it up a notch - train that little bit harder to push through.  Instead with the other things going on I have had to take it down a few notches and it is incredibly frustrating.
And rotten timing.
We have our next interleague scrimmage on Wednesday and after my mental game putting me in a spin last time I was determined to be in a better place mentally and physically for this next one.  Instead it will be marginal whether I'm actually well enough to scrimmage and if I am I will be taking it easy...not exactly the killer mental space I'd hoped for.
And the calendar is racing towards my first Allstars game in May...I was hoping to lift my game so much before then.  Now I'll be struggling to get back to where I was a fortnight ago.
But for now I need a plan.  A plan to get back my mojo as fast as possible.
Starting with getting better.  I need to eat and sleep well, take my vitamins, stretch lots and listen to my body.  If I can't handle training then I need to stop.  It's one thing to push yourself when you are well but when your body is fighting a bug it's just stupid.  It will not be the end of the world if I miss a week of training, I will miss far more if this flu lingers around for another month.
I can also use the time to work on my mental game.  I've been looking into sports psychology for a few weeks now and I"ve finally made my way through the trashy pages wanting to sell me something to find some really useful stuff.  I've realised that my first issue to deal with is self-confidence...I don't really have any and I rely on my team-mates confidence in me instead.  So I will be working that confidence muscle over the next few weeks to see if I can get it to start working properly.
Hopefully these steps will see me get my mojo back and start to push through that plateau quickly enough that I can still bring my best to the game in May. Any other tips???

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